Posted by : F2P Sunday, June 19, 2016

Know what to expect at your prenatal appointment
In addition to confirming that you are pregnant, the first prenatal visit includes a variety of tests and examinations to assess your health, as well as the health of the fetus. It also helps establish the relationship between you and your health care provider. A typical first prenatal visit includes

  • Questions about your current and past medical history, including medications you take, smoking history, current health and previous illnesses, procedures, and pregnancies.
  • Dating your last period to determine a due date.
  • A physical examination, including a pelvic examination and a Pap test.
  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Taking your weight and measurements.
  • Blood pressure measurement.
  • Urine testing for proteins and sugar levels.
  • Ultrasound to hear the baby’s heartbeat, which oftentimes is not heard until at least 6 or 7 weeks.
Talk with your doctor about prenatal testing
Towards the end of the first trimester, your doctor may talk to you about prenatal testing to further assess the health of the fetus. You can decide which tests you want to have done, but they will help determine things like genetic disorders, birth defects, or the potential for other disorders These tests are encouraged so that you can make the best health care decisions before and after your child is born

Talk to your doctor about any feelings of depression
Diagnosing mood disorders in pregnant women can be difficult because pregnancy causes so many similar symptoms, like fatigue, changes in appetite, and trouble sleeping. However, research shows that up to 33% of women experience clinical depression or an anxiety disorder during pregnancy, with only 20% seeking treatment. If you ignore these symptoms and don’t seek treatment, you are putting yourself and your baby at risk. Seek out a therapist who will help you using one of these treatment options:
  • Psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, where a skilled therapist will teach you new ways to manage your thoughts and emotions.
  • Adding more omega-3 essential fatty acids to your diet. These nutrients are found in foods like oily fish and nuts, and they can act as a natural mood-booster.
  • Light therapy, where patients are exposed to artificial sunlight at specific times of the day to help relieve depression symptoms
  • Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice that involves placing tiny needles into areas of the body to influence your mood.
  • Antidepressant medication.

Know how much weight you should be gaining
You may experience cravings in the first trimester, but just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you should eat whatever you want whenever you want to! Monitoring your calorie intake is especially important because recent studies have shown that overweight mothers can negatively impact the health of a child throughout his or her life. While specifics may vary per person, general weight guidelines are.

Get regular exercise
It is important to talk to your doctor about your exercise plans, but typically it is encouraged for women to continue a previous exercise program or to begin a moderate exercise program during pregnancy. Regular low-impact exercises like walking or swimming are usually encouraged. Some additional guidelines include:

  • Avoid exercising in hot weather and avoid overheating in general.
  • Be sure to drink water before, during, and after exercising.
  • Be sure to do stretches and warm-up exercises to increase your breathing and heart rate slowly. Do the same at the end of your workout.
  • Only exercise at a moderate level (you should be able to comfortably talk during your workout) and stop if you feel tired.

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